< Previouswww.ausa.org30 AUSA Extra | October 13, 2023 ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY Scenes from AUSA 2023 From left to right, retired Command Sgt. Maj. Troy Welch, AUSA’s Member- ship director, Meg Ryle, director of Membership Marketing, and retired Brig. Gen. Jack Haley, vice president for Membership and Meetings, open the Member Pavilion Sunday at the AUSA Annual Meeting. (AUSA PHOTO) AUSA mascots Sgt. R. Hero, left, and Cpl. M. Power greet an Annual Meeting attendee. (AUSA PHOTO) An AUSA Annual Meeting attendee checks out new technology on the exhibit floor. (AUSA PHOTO) A soldier examines a map of the convention center’s exhibit halls during the AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition. (AUSA PHOTO)www.ausa.org ASSOCIATION OF THE UNITED STATES ARMY October 13, 2023 | AUSA Extra 31 A soldier attending the AUSA Annual Meeting and Exposition takes a selfie with Army Secretary Christine Wormuth. (AUSA PHOTO) A canine attendee poses for a photo during a forum at the Annual Meeting. (AUSA PHOTO) Soldiers, AUSA members, defense industry representatives and more network in the exhibit halls during the AUSA Annual Meeting. (AUSA PHOTO)INSPIRED BY THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE BRAVE SOLDIERS AT POINTE DU HOC Sharing the Army story of leadership, teamwork, and resilience. Honoring the Soldier experience – past, present, and future. Developing the Army community by focusing on people fi rst. INTRODUCING OUR NEW LOGONext >